Friday, April 1, 2011

The Why Of My Blog

       Welcome to my blog!  It has taken some time to get my blog started and finally the day has come for it to be.  PRAISE GOD!  Being a Bible teacher for many years, I've come to realize that there is a need in the world today for better lives, better homes, and better relationships. There is an answer in God's word to bring it about.  I also take into consideration my daughters and granddaughters, what message would I leave behind that would be a reference point to them along their life's journey. 
     I dedicate this blog to the Lord Jesus Christ, to honor and magnify him.  I have been so encouraged by my children, fellow christians, and others to do this blog.  The Lord has impressed upon my heart to share with you the things I've learned, seen, and felt along my Christian journey.  I pray that the Lord will use this blog to help those who need encouragement and spiritual insight.  I hope to stir in your heart a desire to connect more with Jesus Christ.                                       
      I appreciate and love you all.      
                                                                                      Keep Shining!